1. What are your plans for Easter? Are you cooking a big lunch or dinner? Dyeing eggs? Attending a sun rise service? Eating too much chocolate?
We will go to church and this year we are going to my mom's house for lunch which reminds me, I need to find out what I need to make! We always dye eggs though Devin hasn't been very interested in the process for the past couple of years...It's just been Dracen and me. Sunrise service? Never have made it to one. I try to avoid anything that requires me to get up before the butt crack of dawn though I'm always saying I'm going to make it to one...one of these days. I will try really hard not to eat too much chocolate but it is one of my greatest weaknesses.
Hmm...Be a grandmother? Probably because my oldest is only 13, but my mother became one when she was the age I am now...42 next month. Wow. Hard for me to fathom!
3. "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud...it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs..."
Of the characteristics mentioned in the biblical definition of love which do you find most difficult to live out and why?
Whew. Although that is one of my favorite verses, it is certainly not always easy to abide by. I used to be a big grudge-holder though I think I've gotten much better about that as time has marched on.
4. What's a springtime flower you associate with your childhood?
Hydrangeas always remind me of my childhood babysitter, Mrs. White. She kept me from the time I was an infant until about the second grade. She was like a grandmother to me and I kept in touch with her for years, even after we moved out of state. She had two big Hydrangea bushes on each side of her front porch steps. She referred to them as "snowball bushes". I was an adult before I learned their proper name. I planted three in my backyard last summer.
5. Ever sung karaoke? If so, what's your go-to song? If not and you're given the opportunity, would you?
Yes, a couple of times. Both times I was a little "tipsy" and I had at least one girlfriend on the stage with me. It's probably been close to 20 years since the last time and I plan to keep it that way! Now I just sing alone in the car. Badly.
6. What is something you keep in a basket?
I have baskets all over the house. A couple have magazines/books in them, a couple more have doggie clothes/toys in them, one in the kitchen has vegetables/fruits in it and then of course, there are the many clothes baskets and the dreaded mismatched sock basket.
7. When was the last time you felt foolish?
I've definitely felt my fair share of foolish but the most recent time in which I felt extra foolish was that morning (a few months back) in the middle school drop-off line when I looked down, allowed my foot to come off the brake and rolled right into the car in front of me which, by the way, was a brand new car. Thank the good Lord there was no damage but still...
You can read that full story here if you feel obliged.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I think I may have a pinched nerve in my back. I got up for a coffee refill a couple of questions back and it just hit me. I nearly went to my knees. I'm now having to sit straight up in a kitchen chair and it hurts to move. What in the world? Probably from carrying Dracen (who is 9 and a half) to bed two or three different times this week since he's been sick. I took four ibuprofen and I'm about to try some yoga moves. Also, I'd like to add to my answer for number 2...I feel much too young to be down with a bad back!
Gah. This too shall pass...right?