2. It is even more annoying when two someones do it at the same time. From two different phones.
(And I don't think I need to specify who the two "someones" were.)
3. Squirrels are acrobats.
4. The Keurig is my friend. (Why did I wait so long to introduce myself?)
5. Airborne is also my friend. It really does work at fighting off/reducing the life of colds. At least for me. (Why did I wait so long to introduce myself?)
6. Boys' basketball is pretty fun to watch when your kid is enjoying himself instead of standing on the court with his hands in his pockets and his lip stuck out, begging you to quit after every game, which was the case the year Dracen played when he was only five. He never had an interest again until this year (he's now 10). What a difference five years can make in the life of a boy. And his relationship with basketball.
7. I'd rather watch a basketball game than a baseball game in the month of February because COLD. Gyms are heated. Outdoor bleachers are not. Hurry up spring!
8. The next four or five months of my life will revolve around baseball. High school season just started, Little League is just around the corner with Babe Ruth to follow. (And I'm not even counting fall baseball)
9. All that expressing of my lifelong intense hatred for algebra over the years may not have been a wise choice since Devin is now in the same high school algebra boat I floated around in back in the day. "I'm never going to use this in my life anyway" is a debate I am continually ill-prepared for since I was always in agreement with that statement. Right on up until I found myself the parent of a high school algebra student.
Well-played, ALGEBRA. Will you ever cease to haunt me?
10. While grocery shopping will never be on my things-I-do-for-fun list, it is quite a bit less painful when one has a pantry to put the stuff in. Yes (thanks to my husband) I now, for the very first time in my life, have a pantry in my kitchen. Thank You, Jesus. And Charlie.
11. Snow in the south is so great because it comes seldom enough to bring the magic and knows just the right moment to leave, before it has overstayed its welcome...