Wednesday, March 31, 2010
I've talked about my morning issues before. I generally awake in the mornings feeling disoriented and like I'm coming out of a 10 year coma. Well, you can imagine what state I was in around 4 am this morning when I awoke to two barking wiener dogs and the obvious presence of someone at the bedroom door.
I think my first thought was that the Dracenator had somehow miraculously gotten up on his own and that I had overslept. I flung the Bugs Bunny nightguard out of my mouth and fumbled for the lamp when I realized it was indeed only a few minutes before 4. Then I heard the whine...
"My nose is bleeeeding"!
The Dracenator is much like his mama when it comes to the sight of his own blood so he was none too thrilled to have it coming out of his little nose and dripping all over the floor. Bless his heart.
We did manage to get it stopped pretty quickly which was lucky, given the zombie state of mind I was in. He would not agree to get back in bed before fiercely scrubbing his hands of any possible trace of blood though.
I collapsed back into bed and let me tell you, the next 2 and half hours went by more like 2 and a half minutes. I think I could have slept til noon, given the opportunity.
Yesterday was a busy day and I promise I did put forth the effort by attempting a new post last night while I tried to juggle Lost and American Idol but it just wasn't happenin'. There are only 6 more episodes left of Lost and I'm still just as lost as I ever was! I can see where this is headed and it ain't good for my sanity.
I want answers and I want them to make sense, darn it! I know I am not alone on this.
Oh well, I will survive....
We bought a house yesterday! I think I signed my name about 105 times which did make me begin to question my own judgement in hyphenating my last name.
Overall though, I thought the process was pretty smooth and painfree, unlike my dentist appointment last week. Arghhh!!! I know I just can't seem to quit harping on this subject but my mouth is still sore and that was over a week ago. I must find out what I did to get on that woman's bad side.
For now though, I think I'd better kick it into gear cause all this stuff is not gonna pack itself. Wish me luck! I have major issues with packing tape. I swear that stuff is out to get me. It's right up there with mornings and grocery shopping, which I also have to do today.
Don't just wish me luck, pray for me!
Sanity is very rare: every man almost, and every woman, has a dash of madness. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Monday, March 29, 2010
If These Walls Could Talk...
Where we love is home, Home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr |
Monday, we meet again. I hope you will bring on some motivation and productivity. Yesterday's dreary, stormy weather sucked it all right outta me. I had the laziest day I could have possibly managed.
Didn't even make it to church...shame on me.
Tomorrow is the big day...closing day! We walked through the house Friday night since it is now empty and I am excited about having so much more space but I have to admit, it is going to be somewhat hard on me to leave this little house of mine.
I began packing some boxes Saturday and realized that I have lived in this place longer than any other. I first walked through the door in April of 1994, on my 23rd birthday, having no idea at the time that this would ever be my home and much less for so many years.
If these walls could talk...
These walls have seen some of my happiest days and greatest moments of joy as well as the lowest and most sorrowful days of my life.
I have loved here, lost here, laughed and cried here. It was inside these walls that I took the call that offered me my first real job, along with both tests that told me I was going to be a mother.
I look back to that day, 16 years ago, and I can clearly see that naive young lady I was. If I could travel back in time and talk to her, this is what I would say...
You are about to begin a new chapter of your life. You are graduating from college in a month and this young man named Darin you are about to meet here is going to become your husband in 3 years. Your very first puppy of your own will come into your life in 18 months and you will call her Dixie. She will bring you much joy and unconditional love for 14 years.
In a little over 5 years you are going to give birth to a beautiful baby boy named Devin. When he is around 2, he and Darin will give you another little Dachshund puppy and you will call him Dexter. Two years later, God will bless you with another precious baby boy. You will name him Dracen.
You are going to be one richly blessed young woman with much love and happiness in your life but you must be very strong in your faith and trust in the Lord with all of your heart for you are going to experience some pretty big storms in your life.
You will become a young widow at the age of 32 and 9 months after that, your little Dexter Dog is going to become sick and though you will do everything in your power to help him get better, he will die a young dog. I know you have the strength and the faith to carry you through all the grief coming your way and I want you to know that you will rise above it.
You will get mad at God and you will shout at Him but He can take it because He understands you, loves you, and knows your pain. You will also learn to trust in Him and lean on Him in a way that you never have before. You are going to grow as a person and in your faith tremendously as a result and you will know much more love and happiness again in your life.
You will eventually start dating again and you'll have more heartache but you will not let it discourage you...You will meet a man named Charlie at the end of 2006 and you will marry him a year and a half later. He will love you very much and will always be there for you when you need him most.
Your time with Dixie Dog will come to an end in September, 2009 and you will grieve again but your faith is stronger now and you know that life is precious and short so you will adopt two more little Dachsies who need a good home a month later and they will fill your heart with joy again.
The time will come when you and your family will leave this place and it will be a very exciting time in your life but it will also be a little tough to say goodbye to these walls you've called home for so many years.
You will keep this house though in hopes of finding a nice family to live here for awhile. You will pray that one day maybe one of your children or grandchildren will want to live here so that you can tell them your beautiful story of love, loss and growth that took place within these walls...
Friday, March 26, 2010
Fancy Friday Edition 2!
Oh, and I've been wearing my hair in a ponytail and ball cap for the past two days. Yes, I did wash my hair but sometimes a girl just has to say no to the straightening iron and my curls were more like frizz than ringlets this week.
Bring on the fancy, please.
First off is this sexy little floral appliqued tee I found at Garnet Hill. It comes in four pastel colors and best of all, is made of combed cotton. Fancy and kind of shirt!
I'm really in love with this ruffled leather bag by Vince Camuto that I found at Nordstrom. My wanter is wanting it pretty badly but there is no way on God's beautiful green earth I'm about to pay two hundred and thirty eight dollars for it. I'm keeping my eyes peeled for a less expensive version though. Someone please tell me if you know of one!
Check out this turquoise beaded flower necklace by GS Lillian! I found it at Piperlime and it also comes in black...
Fancy Smancy!
I found these cute little garment-washed for softness (yet fancy!) pajamas at VS for $39. They come in four different patterns and have a drawstring waist. I could wear these all day if I didn't have to leave the house!
Also lovin' this fancy little black and white rayon skirt from I would pair this with a spicy little pair of red sandals!
And speaking of sandals, take a peek at this little pair of purple wedges by Ciao Bella I found on Piperlime. They also come in black...
Last week I posted the pic of the vanity I've been dreaming of having since...well, forever! I have also been wanting a lingerie chest of drawers similar to this one...
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Spring is Springing
I love my little can see the green of the daffodil peeking up behind him but no yellow blooms yet in my yard...I'm patiently waiting.
“Up high, the flies are playing, And frolicking, and swaying. The frog thinks: Dance! I know you'll end up here below.” ~ Wilhelm Busch |
I did find these little purple beauties blooming though...
We ascribe beauty to that which is simple...~Ralph Waldo Emerson |
My treasured friend, Shirley, gave me this windchime that hangs on the front porch. That's my Bradford Pear Tree blooming behind it.
Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things. |
And my favorites, the Bradford Pear...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
I Am Reminded
She had to shoot me up about 15 times with that big scary metal needle contraption before I got completely numb and then drilled and prodded in my mouth for what seemed like an eternity while she informed me for the gazillionith time that my itty bitty mouth is difficult to work on.
Ohhh, Some Beach!.....Somewhere!!!
Seriously? My mouth is that small?! Maybe I need to see if the boys' pediatric dentist will take me on as a patient. At least I would get a prize before I wrote out a big fat check for being tortured!
Okay, enough of that.
Have I mentioned how much I like that American Idol contestant, Crystal Bowersox, and how I've been dying for her do some Janis Joplin? Well...Yay! She finally did and it was awesome or as the boys would say....BEASTIN!
I also think I now know what was wrong with her a few weeks ago when she was sick and almost couldn't perform. There was a little article in the People I was checking out while waiting on my mouth to get numb for the 100th time at the dentist yesterday that said she's had diabetes since she was 6 but that she is feeling good right now.
I missed a few of the performances last night because ABC and FOX have some sort of conspiracy against me to play commercials at the same time. How am I supposed to watch two shows on two different networks at the same time if they can't work together on commercial breaks?
I really need to check into Tivo.
Just so it doesn't seem as though I have split personality disorder, I should tell you that I began writing this post before I went to the gym this morning and now I've returned to finish with a different mindset.
When I pulled into the driveway, I was hit with a wave of grief for my Dixe Dog so I went down to visit her little grave which then reminded me that I needed to go through all my old books about grief and young widowhood so that I can advise the young lady who lost her husband 3 weeks ago which ones are best.
While looking through the books, I found my journal from 2004 which I could not resist scanning through. Wow! I have to say, it did bring tears to my eyes but it was almost as if the tears were for someone else. That stuff was tough to read. I forget sometimes how far I have come in the past six years.
You would think that someone who's been through something so tragic would know exactly what to say to someone else who is going through it but I don't. I found it difficult to find the right words to say to the newly widowed lady when I spoke with her last week.
While reading my old journal, I noticed that some days I was very hopeful and almost at peace while most days I was extremely sad and then others where I was filled with anger and rage.
There was one particular page where I had scribbled some things down without even dating it but it seemed to be sometime in the middle of May which would have made it about 4 and half months after the accident. It is about things to say/do or not to say/do to someone experiencing intense grief.
I actually found it helpful myself and I thought I would share it here since I think most everyone always feels a little uneasy about what they should do or say in these situations:
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Patience Is A Virtue
![]() |
Delight thou in the Lord, and he shall give thee thy heart's desire. Commit thy way unto the Lord, and put thy trust in him, and he shall bring it to pass. (Psalm 37: 4-5) |
Okay, that wasn't nice but I had not even had a full cup of coffee yet. Morning people scare me.
Well, it is upon me...Baseball Season. The boys each have their first practice tonight, same time, different places. Here we go!
Since they've both outgrown their cleats and ball pants from last year, I took them to Dick's immediately upon picking them up at school yesterday.
What was I thinking?
They broke out into a small fight in the dressing room and the Dracenator tried to dracenate the place and insisted on breaking out into a full run across the shoe department in order to test out each pair of cleats he tried on.
Two different sales guys must have asked me 155 times if they could help me. I must have looked as if I needed it. I was oh so tempted to ask him for a martini.
I can't believe I thought we would get groceries afterwards. BaHaHa! I was spent after that little trip. Good times.
On another subject, our closing appointment on the house is officially set for March 30th. It is actually going to be on the exact day we had planned. Wow! How did that happen?
We looked for a house for quite a long time...19 months, and mostly we just couldn't find what we were looking for but the couple of times we were prepared to move forward on something, we were told it had gone under contract. I believe that was God intervening because He had something else in mind for us.
I got very impatient many times in the search of the perfect house for us although I knew that He would send us the right one on His time which is always exactly the right time.
That is not an easy task, to say the least, for most of us. Waiting. Practicing patience. Praying and trusting. Having 100 percent faith in Him.
I struggle with it as much as anyone even though I know that when I do allow things to happen on His time, they always go so much smoother than when I try to force them.
Patience is a virtue I hope to improve upon.
I'm closing with the words of Marjorie Holmes once more...
Monday, March 22, 2010
Alice and Globetrotters in Spring
Friday, March 19, 2010
Fancy Friday
When I was a little girl, I loved to get dressed up in frilly foo foo dresses with lots of lace and ruffles and have my hair all done up with rollers, insisting that my mother not brush through the curls. I wanted the ringlets!
I' m not sure if it's specifically just a Southern thing to say (but I'm guessin' so) or not but I can recall being told , "Well, don't you look fancy!" and I always took that as a high compliment.
So, here we go....Let's Be Still A Minute and get our fancy on....
I absolutley love this lace blouse I found on Zappos. It comes in black too but I am crazy about the ivory. I can see this with some nice jeans or capris or even a skirt for church.
Also loving those oh so cute, ruffled cardigans that are so popular right now. I found this one at Nordstrom and on sale for $39.
Shoes, shoes, wonderful SHOES...Oh, how I love you so! These red, peep toe espadrille wedges on Piperlime are right up my alley. $69 by Bandolino. By the way, Piperlime is an awesome site. If you haven't checked it out, ya need to!
Okay, so I couldn't NOT include a precious little doggie dress since I just recently made the satisfactory discovery that Li'l Bit likes wearing them. I found this on on Now is this fancy or what?
I know some probably think of Avon as being old fashioned and for little old blue haired ladies but I am here to tell you otherwise. I have several pieces of Avon jewelry and I get more compliments on them than any of my other things combined. Plus, the stuff lasts forever! I think this cute little necklace for $24.99 is just so adorable and Springy.
I found this litte number at Macys.. Also comes in yellow, white, brown and turquoise. Ooo La La!
(Suzi Chin Dress, Silk Chiffon Empire-Waist)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Really puts me in touch with my inner hippie chick and anyone who has known me forever knows I do indeed have a hippie chick side....doesn't always show through on the outside but she is always in there somewhere. ;-)
I got to thinking about the spelling of hippie and all 2 or 4 of you who have actually been reading my ramblings, know that on my post two days ago I spelled it hippy. As I thought about it, I realized that it may in fact be hippie so I did what I always do when I need an answer.
I googled.
I was wrong the first time and according to this bit of info I found on the worldwide web, I am unhip for spelling it incorrectly. See:
A long-haired 60s flower child was a “hippie.” “Hippy” is an adjective describing someone with wide hips. The IE is not caused by a Y changing to IE in the plural as in “puppy” and “puppies.” It is rather a dismissive diminutive, invented by older, more sophisticated hipsters looking down on the new kids as mere “hippies.” Confusing these two is definitely unhip.
So it appears that hippy is actually used to describe wide hips which I was worried about in the first place when I bought the hippie skirt. I guess I'm a hippy hippie chick in my hippie skirt but either way, I love it lots and will be wearing the heck out of it.
I also vow right here and now to never, ever confuse hippy with hippie again.
Complete change of subject now but the Dracenator's bathrobe came today. I was unsuccessful in finding him one in Target so we picked one out online and he has been asking about it every day.
He's going to be super psyched when he gets home. I am still quite clueless as to why a 6 year old boy decided that he desperately needed a bathrobe but hey, I'll take what I can get. Boys don't usually get excited about clothing items.
At least not mine. It's "all boy" all the time around my house. Speaking of which, we have baseball assessments tonight.....the Dracenator at 6 and Dev at 7. My world is about to get much crazier as I'm sure we'll be spending 2 to 4 nights a week at the ball field.
While I am not really into sports all that much, I do get a thrill from watching my boys play whatever sport they happen to be playing at the time.
Gives me a sense of pride to watch them make a good play, or get a good hit or score one for their team and tears me up inside to see them strike out or miss the catch. Watching one of your" babies" play sports is a whirlwind of emotions for most any mama I imagine.
After all, a mama is always her son's or daughter's number one fan. I know mine was always my biggest fan as she still is today. Thanks for reading, mom!
Well now that I've gone and gotten all sappy, I'm gonna have to quote that book by Marjorie Holmes again. I believe I did warn y'all that I'd be quoting it a lot!
So here you have it (it's a little long but it was too good to cut any of it out):
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Top O' The Mornin' To Ya!
I went to the gym this morning sporting my green shirt and decked the Dracenator all out in his green too. Dev, with his stubborn head, wore red so I did what any other good mother would do...I pinched him. How did that get started anyway? I should Google it.
I managed to get more lost on Lost last night while still catching most of the performances on Idol. My favorite was Crystal Bowersox. She rocked it out to one of my absolute favorite Stones tunes: You Can't Always Get What You Want. She was really the only one that stood out for me though I was trying to keep up with Lost while playing Free Cell on the laptop all at the same time. Who says I can't multitask?
Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Disco Ducks and Hippy Skirts

Sunday, March 14, 2010
Springing Forward, Doggie Dresses and O.P.P
The weekend was pretty low key...Charlie and I checked out the Hickory home and garden show which was pretty much a flop but I did find Li'l Bit the cutest little homemade Spring dress. Yes, I know she's a dog but you know I was a little girl who loved her baby dolls and seeing as how I did not get a human girl baby to dress up... I tried it with Dixie Dog but she let me know quick that she would not tolerate any such nonsense... Li'l Bit, however, actually seems to like it as she wore the dress all weekend and never once tried to get it off! Now I realize this is probably odd and maybe even irritating to some of you and I was undoubtedly one those people at one time in my life but I'm just super psyched about Li'l Bit's like or at least tolerance to wearing a dress. Come to Mama, Miss Priss, and bring on the doggie dresses!
Now is that not precious?! You know it is!
Yesterday after church we spent the afternoon at Popaw Bob's and Momaw Pat's. Momaw Pat served Rubens and Subs and then some of us took a walk down by the creek and through the woods with the Popaw. This was followed by coming home and taking a nap, something I rarely do, but hey, my body is still really confused about that missing hour...One would think a body would get used to this but I suspect I'll keep searching for that hour for at least a week or two.
I have a hair appt. this a.m which I need to be getting ready for. I have mixed feelings about this cause my hair has actually been looking really decent for the past couple weeks and I've gotten more compliments on it than I've had in well, forever! So...I don't expect I'll be making any major changes to it.
I just heard that song O.P.P. by Naughty by Nature on 90s XM after dropping the boys off at school and now it's stuck in my head and I'm sure will be all day! "I'm down with O.P.P....yeah, you know me!" Remember that one?
Okay, on a more serious note, I felt my pulse rising and my head bout to explode when the boys tested me this morning but I took some deep breaths and reminded myself of another great passage out of that old book I found by Marjorie Holmes so I'm gonna leave you with this....(I think I'm gonna be quoting this book a lot)
Friday, March 12, 2010
1 .an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.
2 .good fortune; luck
This morning, after taking Devin and the Dracenator to school, I came home to a message from my mom saying her Aunt and my Great Aunt, Carrie, from Georgia passed. She just turned 88 years old on Wednesday and had been suffering with cancer. I said a special prayer for her last night before I fell asleep and I believe that prayer was answered. She is home with all the many she had loved and lost during her time on earth, including a brother, a husband, a daughter, a mother we all called Big Mama and her sister, who was also my grandmother, Ollie Mae. She died of cancer when I was 4. What a day of rejoicing this must be for them in the kingdom of heaven!
It has been quite some time since I saw my Great Aunt Carrie in person but all my memories of her are warm and happy. I remember her as a kind, humble woman with a heart and soul of gold. She always made me, and assuredly everyone else who passed through her door, feel very welcome and at home. I remember Easter eggs hunts at her house and the coconut cakes she always made and how just about every other time she saw me she would say, "Ohhhh, she looks just like Ollie Mae!" in that sweet, drawn out southern accent of hers. Yes, she will be missed by many here on earth but I have no doubts that she made it home just fine and has been rewarded for a life well-lived.... And I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish (JOHN 10:28)
Charlie took the day off to spend some QT with me today. We went to lunch and to browse through an antique mall. I so love those places! I really took my time and found myself drawn to all the booths that contained varied assortments of old books. Do you ever have one of those days that can only be described as serendipitous? Well, today was definitely one of those days for me. I purchased some wonderful old books that just seemed to leap off the shelves at me and let me tell you, when I cracked open the covers on a couple of them, I was filled with what I like to refer to as "spiritual chills". It's an overwhelmingly wonderful sensation that something so much bigger than yourself is at work in that particular spot and moment in time. It is a very magical experience and I live for those moments... Like you can almost feel God physically fitting the pieces of your life together and you just know that you are heading down the right path and are exactly where you are supposed to be in life. Makes for a proud spirit and a smiling heart.
One of the books I found or shall I say, found me, was published in 1968 and was given as a birthday present to someone named Mildred in 1973. The book is...I've Got to Talk to Somebody, God by Marjorie Holmes. I will close with one particular passage from it that spoke very deeply to me. It can simply be described as... Powerful. I hope you will find it so as well...