Some valuable life lessons I've learned in the past decade...
1. It is possible to love a second baby every bit as much as the first one. A wise woman once said, "that second baby is like the icing on the cake." And how right she was. And while I only had two, I'm sure this is true for each and every one God blesses you with.
2. Tomorrows are never guaranteed to any of us and while I've still not fully mastered it, I know how very wise it is to live each day on this earth as if it were your last and to never put off saying what you truly feel, for you may not ever get another opportunity.
3. "You only go around once." Someone once gave Darin that advice when he was struggling with the decision of whether or not to surprise me with a second Dachshund for Mother's Day one year. I thought that was the best advice I'd ever heard and I am constantly reminded of it. Needless to say, he got the dog.
4. Changing your hairstyle after a major life altering event has a way of saying, "Hey, look at me! Someone moved my cheese, but I'm adapting, surviving and I'm going to be okay...different, but okay. And probably even better."
5. Empathy is an extremely powerful emotion and sharing a difficult and trying life experience with someone often has a way of creating an immediate bond and priceless friendship.
6. 'Old' friends are one of God's greatest blessings. Spending time or talking with a friend/friends you've known since adolescence or childhood, re-awakens the soul and keeps your heart and spirit young.
7. Broken hearts are always mendable, no matter how many times they've been broken. The key is to never allow yourself to become bitter or cynical about life or love and always be willing to get back in the saddle and give it another shot. Always be willing to give it another shot. No matter what.
8. We all make mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them, grow from them, ask forgiveness for them, and vow to never make them again. And if you do make them again, rinse and repeat until you get it right.
9. Holding onto anger and resentment drains you of energy and darkens your spirit. Letting go frees and enlightens.
10. If you expect others to respect you, then you must first respect yourself. And be willing to forgive yourself for the times when you didn't.
11. When your gut/intuition tells you something is or isn't right, listen to it!
12. Prayer works. Don't ever believe it doesn't. If you start thinking God isn't listening or answering your prayers, you need to stop and ask yourself why you think that is. What we want and think is best for us, is not always God's will for our lives and He always knows what is best for us. This I know for sure.
13. If you get the feeling that God is talking to you and trying to tell you something... lead you to something, then by all means, listen up and pay attention.
14. Giving is far more rewarding than receiving.
15. Don't ever look to others for your own fulfillment and happiness. You and you alone are the only one who holds that power.
Now bring it, 40!

Happy Birthday Eve! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat great lessons to share. I especially love #12....SO true!
Have a great day! :)
Its good to review your lessons.
ReplyDeleteHappy 40th!
Wow. I am impressed with what you have learned. You should be really smart by the time you reach my age.(51) Thanks for sharing all of the lessons you have learned. They are all right on.
ReplyDeleteHappy Early Bday and I love them all but #15 seems to be the key to happiness. I watch family and friends blame others for their unhappiness (i've been guilty) such a waste of time and engery and life. Have a great b-day tomorrow!!!
ReplyDeleteBrave the way for me. I'm right behind you!
Excellent! Hope it's a super awesome one!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday--a little early! And what a great list you shared.
ReplyDelete40s are the best! All your kids are still home and life is good. I didn't have my family formed yet by 30 since we are an adopted family and by 50 most had moved on to college and beyond. So my 40s were the wonder years. Although now that I am 55 loving on the grandkids does have its joys.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous list!
ReplyDeleteHope you have a wonderful birthday!
This is a great post! Wonderful advice. And don't worry, the 40's aren't too bad.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a great birthday.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great list. Thank you so much for sharing.
Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteWonderful words of wisdom. I feel like I should print and frame this post!
#7 is my fave to live by altho they are all amazing and true. You will find your 40's the BEST ever years of your life! Visiting from SITS and glad I did. I'm your newest follower.
ReplyDeleteI'll be saying goodbye to my twenties this year. hope my thirties teach me more about this thing called life. :)
ReplyDeleteGreat list of lessons learned! I'm certainly far from perfect. Happy SITS Day! I wish your family a very Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful list. I'm a year older than you and I think you've captured it beautifully. Congrats on your SITS day.
ReplyDeleteSounds wiser than forty to me.
ReplyDeleteStopped by from SITS this morning. Love this list! I especially needed to hear number 7.
ReplyDeleteGreat lessons and how true. I am now following your blog.
ReplyDeletethese are all definitely true! :)
ReplyDeleteEvery lesson you've learned, every woman has learned. Beautiful, beautiful post. Thanks for sharing it. I'm writing it down.
ReplyDeletegreat post...
ReplyDeleteInspiring and challenging post!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing ... hope your 40's are fabulous!
Enjoy your SITS day! :)
I love this list, I hope your 40's bring you even more joy and happiness!
ReplyDeleteHappy SITS Day!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great great list - and one I'm going to refer to again I'm sure :).
Follow your list and you're assured that each year will be better and better and better!
ReplyDeleteGreat advice! Completely agree with number 1! And I really need to remember number 2 more often....
ReplyDeleteHappy SITS day!
Number 11. Big time. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteHappy SITS Day!
As a kid, I remember thinking my home was ancient when she was 35. I loved my 40th birthday and it was so uneventful - I spent years dreading turning 40 and here I am - 40 and loving it.
ReplyDeleteGlad that you learned so much.
Love your blog!!!
Great reflections and important lessons that you learned in your 30's, now for the fun 40's which by the way are the new 20's. ;)))
ReplyDeleteComing from SITS! Happy SITS Day!
ReplyDeleteHope your 40s are going well!
Here from SITS a bit late! I love the one about getting your hair cut - it's so true.