I really had nothing specifically in mind for this Fancy Friday so I just surfed the net for some fancy things I liked but seems I am a little obsessed with rings this week. Probably has something to do with the one I got for my birthday from Charlie.
My childhood bff made it but it was a little small so we had to send it back for stretching. I got it back yesterday and it now fits perfectly and I love it! It is like this one she made only my stone is a little lighter shade of blue. Check out her site. She makes some beautiful stuff.
Today is not all about rings though. I found this essential summer dress at Garnet Hill. Comes in black, coral pink floral and retro dot. So Summery!
I do believe I've mentioned how much I love me some cute shoes. I found these two pairs of fancy sandals at piperlime. I REALLY like the second pair with that cute little brooch thingy.
The first ring I found while conducting my fancy surf was this sterling silver oval turquoise ring from Target. Don't ya just love Target?
Or for something a little fancier, how about this one?
No fancy outfit is complete without earrings. I found this flowergirl drop pair by Betsey Johnson at Piperlime.
And I found this pair of White Glam Drama earrings at avon for 19.99. Though you can keep your drama, thank you very much.
I so wish Vicky's Secret sold their clothes in the stores because they really have some awesome things on their website. I love the "boho vibe" of this crochet trim blouse I found there. It also comes in black and passionberry.
And this lace trim v-neck top...
I found this beaded print blouse at Boston Proper. I am absolutely in love with this top and that turquoise color though I would vow to wear pants with it. This girl, bless her heart, forgot to put hers on.

Wouldn't it look great with this turquoise ring by Lucky?
I found this kobalt paisley print koftan top at White House Black Market. Though for $108, it is a bit of an investment.
And how about this black jeweled ring I found for 13.99? Fancy at a bargain!
I found it at Ruche. Along with several others that are now on the top of my wishlist. Here are 3 more of my favorites but it was really hard not to just post all of them.
Every woman needs a red dress or two in her closet. I found this one at Boston Proper. Love the butterflies.
I feel that this Fancy Friday post would not be complete without a cute pair of wedges. I found this fancy little pair at Piperlime.
Know, first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. ~Epictetus
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